Tuesday, August 4, 2009

My first audio blog post on SeniorTweet Voice Blog.

For those of us who are limited technically or who are timid about showing one's face on video, there is a free alternative that I tried out today. AUDIO! The service provider is Snapvine. The service is free and simple to use. Here is the URL to my first post - take a listen - and let me know what you think.


You can even record your audio message by telephone (charges may apply). Because I have a cable telephone connection, that is not a problem for me.

Well I liked my first effort. As I said on the voice post, with a face like mine, one looks for alternatives to video. Here's one - see what you think. http://snurl.com/op22p .

Thanks for visiting and, then, for listening.

Be well and prosper,
Val Spangler, SeniorTweet.